
  • Medics,  Remember

    Silent Symphony of Butt Cheeks

    I was off yesterday for the first time in a month. I visited the new restaurant that had just opened up across from my block. Afterwards, I went to the salon for a much-needed pedicure. I saw the disapproving glance the pedicurist gave when she saw my toenails. Ah well, I shrugged. This is my day off, and I want to be pampered. Afterward, I took a stroll and window-shopped in the mall. It was getting towards the end of the month, and I was low on budget, so I disciplined myself not to make any spontaneous purchases. I went home, watched some TV, and glanced through my notes. I…

  • Medics,  Remember

    When Silence Isn’t Golden

    It was a good surgery. The consultant was kind enough to let me open the skin and agreed to let me close it as well. He had informed the registrar about my fine subcuticular suturing skills that I had displayed when I assisted him in a case a week ago. My head was already swollen with pride and I was beaming inwardly. It was quite a simple laparotomy, which took about three hours. “Happy to finish up?” he asked, shifting his gaze to the registrar and me. Before we could answer, the scrub nurse said, “Hold on everyone, we can’t account for one tonsil swab.” The consultant had already removed…